
February 24, 2016

​It’s more than a number to Team Jacksonville!  When it was “1” it was fun.  When it became “2” they weren’t through.  “3” was all about the “Three-peat”.  “4” meant even more.  But what about “5”?  “5” is to thrive!  I looked up expressions for 5-time repeat winners and discovered that the Urban Dictionary hasn’t even got a word to describe it.  Any ideas out there?

I’m talking about this team’s dominance in delivering Exceptional Client Service, year in and year out. So exceptional, in fact, that 100% of their current clients are happy to respond when surveyed and 100% of those will recommend us to others. (And north of 90% of clients retain their services year after year!) To secure their Repeat-Champion status, this team has improved their results annually; without doing so, they wouldn’t have retained the Client Engagement Award in prior years, or again this time around.  That’s 5 award-winning performances in a row!!!!!

What’s their secret to success?  Without diminishing the complexity of what it takes to deliver top-notch service day in and day out, I see two essential qualities that stand out:

  1. They care more than most. They care for each other first and then for their work and their clients.  They open talk about it, by praising one another, teasing like brothers and sisters, and celebrating the achievement and recognition of standout performances within the team
  2. They “Own It”!  They are accountable for their individual actions and their team’s results. The ownership is born of pride in their work and the fact that they simply care more than most. 
These two elements reinforce each other and drive continuous improvement.  You can see how Team influences Safety, Retention, Financial Performance and Growth.

When success is repeated, you’ve got the makings of a Trend. But when success becomes Tradition, you’re on the Path to Greatness!  Enjoy the Journey!


  • Bryan Calhoun

    9 years ago

    Way to go Team Jacksonville! Setting the standard of excellence!
    100% Survey Responses…..
    100% Would recommend us to others….
    North of 90% Retention….
    Pretty powerful stuff right there! Great job!!!

  • Congrats to the Jax team… VERY impressive. Proud of you guys!!!

  • What a great win for a truly fantastic accomplishment.
    Great job team Jacksonville.

    • Blaine

      9 years ago

      What a great event that was. Cheyne has his team locked and loaded for a great 2016!

  • Great job guys and very proud to be a part of this team! Keep leading the way!

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