Find Your Merry!

December 21, 2016


​While the rest of the mainland US shivers under a frozen blanket, in Florida we are still basking (a flowery word for perspiring) in spring-like weather.  There may not be any “Jingle Bells” or sleigh rides in the snow going on around here, but there’s plenty to make one merry.  All you need to do is look and listen!

The Holiday Season is special for so many reasons.  Most of us manage to take some extra time off over the holidays, but an extra-long Christmas weekend is just ahead for everyone.  Immediate and extended family gather, friends exchange greetings and parties abound.  There are plenty of festivities to revel in, but there’s also the opportunity to capture some much-needed quiet time.

In the event you aren’t in the holiday spirit quite yet, here are a few thoughts that might help you Find Your Merry:

  • Express Gratitude.

    • Who have you thanked for being an important part of your life in 2016?
    • For that matter, who have you thanked for the gift of your life?
    • What special way can you express your appreciation?  One thing’s for sure; you are guaranteed to feel cheerful when you express appreciation to others. The more, the merrier!
  • Reconnect with old Friends and distant Family.

    • You can always send a note or connect via social media. But if you really want to Find Your Merry…..
    • Make a phone call, or…..
    • Pay a personal visit!
  • Surprise someone special with something special.

    • It doesn’t have to be a material thing; in fact, it will mean more if it isn’t.
    • The possibilities are endless.
  • Do something unexpected and kind for someone less fortunate than you.

    • Pay it forward. 
​Whatever you decide to do, my wish for you is that you Find Your Merry this Holiday Season and keep the spark alive in 2017!


  • Bob Jaynes

    8 years ago

    Merry Christmas to all as well from team arbor

  • Christina

    8 years ago

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

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