Daily Dose

May 1, 2023

What do you take a healthy dose of daily?  Is it something that feeds your soul, serves your purpose, or stimulates your intellect?  Does your daily dose make you feel better and enable you to perform at a higher level every single day?

A daily dose is just that — daily and reoccurring in measured amounts.  If you don’t take the first one, nothing happens.  If you take one, or perhaps only a few, but do not sustain the effort, you’ll quickly be back right where you started.  So what’s the point of starting?

The point is achieving sustainable small efforts, over time, that accumulate to pay huge dividends for your future.  The area of focus doesn’t especially matter, although the intended purpose does because it determines whether you’ll actually care enough to sustain the effort.

Our lives are lived in moments, woven together into a fabric that tells a tale.

Those moments are best captured in days, because weeks and especially months can feel like long-term planning; years are interminable and decades impossible.  We will only sustain effort in the face of resistance when we believe — and we care enough to do the work.

So start “small”, yet with a sense of purpose that what you do today will matter tomorrow.  Build upon today’s accomplishment with a repeat performance tomorrow, then rinse and repeat, over and over again. Small improvements can become huge gains with sustained efforts. Stay fresh, maintain focus and the develop daily dose discipline you’ll need to continue growing. 

I’ll add a final thought.  Rather than endeavoring to do many things, instead select just one that matters the most.  And then go do that.  When the effort becomes a healthy habit, positive results will sustain momentum, empowering you to select your next life target.

We are all a work in progress.  The key is to make some through your daily dose.

Tempus Maximize!

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