
September 5, 2013


Our tendency as humans is to avoid change. Change is risky. Change can create fear. What we already know feels safer.

There are plenty of daily changes that we navigate freely. We change clothes, radio
stations and computer wall paper freely. Those things don’t feel very risky, because the impact on our life is small and it’s pretty easy to revert if we don’t like the result.

Other changes are harder, especially if we’ve been doing something for a long time. Favorite restaurants, fishing spots, sports teams and jobs become ingrained in us over time. Those things become habits; something significant has to change for us to be willing to consider alternatives. These habits are reinforced by others around us. Over time, sometimes those habits can even become ruts.

The biggest life changes are those that affect careers, families,where we live and our most fundamental beliefs about how the world works. Those changes are the hardest, however, and are often avoided. Sometimes these types of changes have profound affects on us, whether we proactively work to shape them or step aside and wait for the outcome.

Stability is fictitious in our world today. The sheer pace of change can make our skills “yesterday’s news” if we become complacent. Therefore it’s much more productive to shape the change you want, rather than just waiting to see what happens. You’re much more likely to enjoy the outcome if you participate in creating it.

Enjoy the Journey!

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