Begin, Again

December 31, 2023

New Year’s Day is, in most ways, merely another day in the endless continuum of days. Yet there’s something special about the fact that we treat it as a new point in time that we can choose to begin, again.

This New Year, this New Beginning, doesn’t have to be Just Another Day… It will be what we make it and those that follow can become a continuation of the improvements we want to see in ourselves, our careers, our relationships and our lives.

Most New Year’s Resolutions lack the meaning of the last word — the Resolve to stick with them — and therefore fizzle quickly. It does not have to be that way, however. The key is to link your initial Resolution with a measurable Goal and for that goal to reflect a higher Purpose.

It isn’t necessary, or advisable, to bite off too much at one time or pursue too many things. Focus on one important thing to start, stop or do differently. Write that down and list out the very specific actions that are attached to achieving it; look at it daily. Be realistic and set out with a determination to do the little things daily, weekly and monthly that will become big and lasting improvements over time.

What, specifically, will happen by when? How we Begin, Again now will determine how we Finish, Later!

Tempus Maximize!

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