Beat the Heat!

July 24, 2014


It’s HOT out there!  It’s summer everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere and the closer you get to the Tropics, the hotter and steamier it gets. In Florida, we’re in that magical time of year where nothing quite dries out and weeds and mildew are in a steel cage death match to see which will win.

As the temperature and humidity go up in lock step with one another, it seems that focus and patience go in the other direction.  It’s a difficult time of year to run any service business that doesn’t sell air conditioning or beach umbrellas; arguably even those feel the heat, as customers who desperately need what they have to offer can become especially hot under the collar!  But this is also the time of year that brings out the best among us.

As I talk with various managers, I hear their commitment to push through this time of year and achieve success; I also pick up on their heightened stress levels and sense they are pegged high on the thermometer.  So, what’s the answer?  What can you do short of taking a break high up in the Appalachian or Rocky Mountains for the next month or two?

Cooler heads will prevail. Here are a few Cool thoughts that might help you Beat the Heat:

  • Sip a fresh, cool Iced Tea!  Whether sweet (a Southern Classic) or unsweetened, it’s sure to lower your temperature. Almost anything on ice will do the trick!
  • Get up extra early and sit on the porch to watch the sunrise — a very cool time of day (and perhaps the only peace and quiet you’ll enjoy!)
  • Head back outside after a late rain and breathe in the (almost) cool, fresh air.
  • Take an early, or late, walk. 
  • Ponder a cool idea.
  • Take an extra hot shower and then sit and relax under the paddle fan in the A/C; it will feel even cooler
  • Go for a swim; pools are ok and the ocean invigorating, but a fresh water Florida spring or lake is the absolute best (no, the gators won’t eat you!) 
  • And best of all, seek out a very cool friend to hang out with and visit — in the shade!

What cool solutions work for you?  What will you do this summer to Beat the Heat?  Whatever you do, find a way to chill out from time to time; you’ll enjoy the journey through summer a whole lot more and find yourself making better decisions along the way. 


  • Laure Hristov

    11 years ago

    Ice Cream! You forgot Ice Cream! Another great way to cool off!

    • Perfect addition. Laure! How could I overlook that?!? Stay cool out there…

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