
May 7, 2018


​To ‘Aspire’ is to infuse a vision with the energy required to achieve it!  Aspiration is seeing what can be, rather than settling for what is.  To what do you aspire?

Through my work, I’m fortunate to experience what happens when talented teams aspire to accomplish more through collaboration, by leveraging new productivity tools that offer them remarkable visibility into their work.  The process is difficult, because it challenges every aspect of the status quo.  But when you aspire to be more productive, by serving and managing more effectively, it becomes possible to make steady progress.

I’ve heard our project leader talk repeatedly about “the power of building lists”.  Upon first hearing this, you may wonder what possible connection there is between lists and aspiration.  Plenty, it seems.

The purpose of a list is to outline the steps needed to realize a goal; the actual list is dependent upon the purpose to which you aspire.  I see these 5 elements:

  1. Begin with the end in mind.  Figure out what you want to figure out!  While that may sound simplistic, if you’re not clear about where you want to go, you may end up going in circles. 
  2. Look at the universe of available information.  Consider what raw data, resources, or information you have at your disposal. 
  3. Decide how to “filter” the information.  Approach the logic in a way that sifts out what you need to know.  Think of a “Google” search; the more clearly you define the input, the shorter and more relevant your search results will be. 
  4. Determine how many steps are needed to funnel volume down to the essence.  Carefully design those levels in a way that is useful to you and which will likely benefit others. 
  5. Focus on one big thing at a time, not everything all at once.  Unless, of course, you aspire for chaos!
When you aspire to do more, to be more, and to ultimately enjoy the fruits of your labor more, an organized and thoughtful approach will help you get there.

Tempus Maximize

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