Angle of Advantage

September 1, 2023

Your business strategy is designed with the goal of realizing the Vivid Vision you first imagined. Executing it successfully requires the alignment of multiple initiatives, each of which engages specific tactics.  It’s a complex, iterative and ever-evolving process. 

A crucial element for the leader to consider when shaping strategy is the angle of advantage that the organization possesses relative to competitors and to other strategies. Contemplating honest answers to a few questions will help:

  • Why is our Value Proposition compelling to those who may join our cause and the clients who will choose us above others?
  • How can we shape and time the launch of our operations for maximum exposure and competitive differentiation?
  • What is the optimum angle of advantage that will set us apart?

There is no single approach that offers every advantage but there is always an approach that offers the optimum angle of advantage. It’s the leader’s job to identify that path and organize teams to follow it.

Growing a successful business over time is dependent upon many factors, some in the “macro-economic” environment and others in the “micro-economic” realm. There is a balance at any given time and there are shifts over time, which require agility and sometimes resilience.  Within these shifts are also changes in the angle of advantage to launch new initiatives and approaches that are ideally suited to the circumstances; seeing and seizing these requires a progressive mindset rather than a defensive one.

You’ll know when strategy is working, because the market will respond with growth opportunities.  Momentum will result and reveal a fresh angle of advantage. 

Tempus Maximize!

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