And One!

March 28, 2018


It’s that thrilling basketball moment, when a player drives toward the basket with focus and intensity!

One of three things can happen: 

1. They might be effectively blocked from reaching the goal by opposing forces.

2. They could be fouled and blocked at the same time, resulting in a try to salvage something from the effort.

3. They can make the shot, in the face of defense and interference……plus earn a shot at scoring even more.  And One!

Business is a lot like basketball. There can be chaos and interference around your team but, by maintaining the required focus and controlled action, it is still possible to reach your goal.

​“March Madness” seems a fitting name for the NCAA tournament. The faint-hearted may back off, while the unbridled may charge ahead and create damage without results. The most talented —and disciplined — players know the difference. It takes much more than raw talent to reach a peak level of performance.

Sports truly are a reflection of the elements that determine success in life. And business is part of life. When you know you’ve got a great team behind you, it’s possible to push harder and achieve more. Momentum also tends to swing your way when that happens. And One!

Tempus Maximize!

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