Adapted Normal

May 3, 2020

There is no such thing as a New Normal.  If a situation is “normal”, by definition it must be familiar and expected.  If it’s “new”, we don’t yet know enough to presume the status will last.  That phrase is tossed around by some as a clever sound bite, but it sounds to me like an oxymoron.

Aside from the current chaos that has impacted our World, as a result of something we cannot see but which is causing great suffering, there are multiple and ongoing changes affecting how we live, work and interact with one another.  The present circumstance is a particularly nasty one, however, and has forced immediate and dramatic changes in many things.  Each day seemingly brings new changes that feel anything but normal.

Fortunately for us, we’re highly adaptable creatures and we’ve been blessed with an ability to solve complex problems.  Some of the same circumstances that contributed to the challenges of the moment provide us with exceptional abilities to confront them and transition to an Adapted Normal.

Acquired knowledge is a facilitator and technology is an accelerator.  Together they are being combined with resourcefulness, that crucial human ability to adapt what we have to our present circumstances.  Many brilliant minds and caring people are doing exactly that.

It occurs to me that it’s our ability to adapt that is normal and that may be the only constant.  By focusing on what we can do at any given time and not dwelling on those things which are not within our influence, we will continue to move forward.  And that very progress will lead us to the next chapter in our journey.

The Adapted Normal is vested in our ability to Maximize the Moment.

Tempus Maximize!

One Comment

  • […] hope and possibility. It has everything to do with how we will navigate to better days and an Adapted Normal for daily living. We cannot undo what has happened, but we always have the choice of what we will […]

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