
October 31, 2021

Can you cruise at the Speed of Business? How fast can you go? If it feels like the pace of change is speeding up, I think you’re right. While we cannot prevent change — and probably shouldn’t wish we could — we can manage our rate of acceleration.

Think about your business as a high-end sports car, one designed from the ground up for rapid acceleration and peak performance. The professional driver doesn’t accelerate with a burnout, but rather in a way that allows all four tires to maintain grip on the road. Burnouts are wasteful at best and dangerous at worst and they don’t result in meaningful progress. It doesn’t take many of those to leave the driver dizzy and the car with unnecessary wear and tear.

Controlled acceleration is effective acceleration. It enables you to build power and gain speed, while smoothly entering the traffic flow. Have you ever noticed when entering the interstate how fast traffic appears to be zipping by you at first, until you are able to merge and join the flow? After a short while at speed, it no longer feels like you are moving fast. A skilled driver acclimates to speed, as does a skilled leader.

The keys to powerful acceleration and increased speed can be found in the quality of pre-trip preparations. A business that is built for speed will have People, Resources and Systems in balance. Time spent working out those myriad details will directly affect the rate of acceleration that is possible.

The Navy Seals have a powerful saying that fits here:

“Slow is Smooth and Smooth is Fast.”

The power of thoughtful preparation will pay off in a job done right. It allows for focused acceleration to achieve intended results.

Frantic action without a clear goal quickly becomes chaos. Going fast is only fun when you’re prepared for it. Acceleration can be exhilarating and invigorating for the entire team. After all, who wants to stand still, or burn out in place?

Tempus Maximize!


  • Christy Lauer

    3 years ago

    I always enjoy these! Thank you Bill.

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