A Tip of the Hat

Once in a great while we experience a surprise event in our lives, one worthy of a Tip of the Hat to its sponsors. Leadership Stetson 2024 was such an event for me.
I’m a Stetson University grad from awhile ago and it had been 20 plus years since I was on campus for a visit of any sort. I’ve routinely driven past Stetson on the oak-lined boulevard that runs through it and I always admire its beauty, although there hasn’t been a particular reason for me to stop and explore what’s new and different there. Life gets busy and there have been countless things to do and other places to be.
I’ve also never been one to look back and long for the “good old days”; the nature of reunions to focus on the past and reminisce doesn’t excite me. Using lessons and learnings from the past to inform the present and plan for the future are what inspire me, so the invitation to participate in this year’s Leadership Stetson cohort offered an opportunity to Maximize the Moment.
I joined 20 diverse alumnae whose histories range from the Class of 1971 to the Class of 2021; let’s just say that 40% of the participants weren’t born yet when I graduated! So it’s logical to think that I might not have much in common with many of the participants, yet I quickly discovered that the opposite was true. I left the experience reconnected, reinvigorated and excited for Stetson’s future as a beacon of light in an increasingly dark and polarized world.
Stetson’s president, Dr. Chris Roellke, brought a kinetic energy to the gathering; more importantly, he shared a crystal clear vision for what makes Stetson unique. He was animated in describing how Stetson will transform from “Florida Gem to National Treasure” by differentiating through:
- Relationship Richness
- Kindness (Empathy)
- Shared Aspirations
Clearly his senior team is bought in to the vision, as evidenced through their various presentations and our group interaction with them. By the conclusion of the sessions, I’d say that our Leadership Stetson 2024 cohort was “All-In”! I also gained many new friends.
Stetson has a rich, 140 year history, and is named for John B. Stetson, the famous hat maker who contributed much more than his name to the university. His generosity of time, talent and treasure built the early foundation upon which Stetson has grown. As I reflect back on what that education provided in my Stetson years, I now appreciate its true value. Perhaps most importantly, however, I can envision Stetson’s value for future generations of students to flourish.
I humbly offer a Tip of my Stetson Hat to all who have served and supported the university and those who will lead it into a promising future.
Tempus Maximize!