
November 7, 2013


I met a unique tribe of humans in northern Wisconsin this week.  As I toured their bustling American factory, I observed these highly engaged people designing, building and continually improving the core equipment that we use to carry out our business mission every day.

They listen well and respond even better. They are committed to their mission as self-described “Passionate People”. That word only captures part of what’s happening up there, however; then I spotted this word boldly printed on the back of a female factory worker’s t-shirt: it read “Kaizanimal”.  A short while later I saw it again on a rather unique trophy that was proudly displayed on another worker’s desk; this person had apparently been recognized as an especially gifted Kaizanimal.

If you know a bit about the principles of “Kaizen”, you may already understand something about what a tribe of Kaizanimals might be like. Kaizen focuses on the principles of continuous improvement by driving out waste from a process. It is especially utilized in progressive manufacturing practices, but it can be applied to virtually any process. If you aren’t already familiar with Kaizen, you can click here to learn more:  Summary of Kaizen Philosophy and Method

When you take a group of people who truly buy-in to the power of Kaizen, and embrace the
practice as I’ve just observed it in action, you get something even more powerful than Passionate People. You get Kaizanimals!

Kaizanimals are fierce but friendly creatures with the potential to create Astounded Customers. They have keen senses, especially sensitive hearing, and lightning-quick reflexes to respond to their environment. They don’t just survive, but instead their instincts and reasoned responses enable them to thrive in the fast-changing world of global business.  They are tough to catch but easy to observe in their natural environment.

Passion + Purpose + Kaizen = Kaizanimals. Observe them today!  Better yet, inspire your own tribe wherever you work.

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