
October 3, 2013


We spend the majority of our time focused on what’s in front of us, as we pursue building the lives and careers that we desire. In fact, that focus is the first essential ingredient in making progress. Every now and then, however, it pays to pause and reflect on how you arrived at this particular point in time.

Reunion is all about going back to something that came before and recalling what it meant to be there and what you gained from the experience. The first thing many think of when they hear the word “reunion” is family; that sort of event can certainly be a powerful experience and is the most basic of all connections with our past and present. We didn’t choose those participants, however, and such events can be full of vastly different experiences!

Other reunions are more about different people, places and the experiences that went with them; they often feature an important element of choice that helped define who we’ve become. Such reunions are intensely personal and unique. For me at least, the most powerful sort of reunion is to revisit where something important began: the place your ancestors arrived in this country, where you were born, first met a special someone, accomplished something difficult, or embarked on a journey that led to something worthwhile.

That sort of reunion has the potential to renew the spirit and help us remember our “why”.  It brings purpose to this life journey that we’re on and brings us joy in the process.  So while we need to keep our eyes on the road ahead, a glance in the rear view mirror is a wise practice from time to time.

Who, what and where is there an overdue reconnection in your life?  Perhaps it’s time for a Reunion?

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