Little Matters

June 12, 2012


People always remember the little things. These memories work both ways – good and bad. The cumulative result of people’s experiences either becomes something excellent or something to be avoided.  One of my favorite quotes sums this point up:

“If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.”

– Colin Powell

When we speak of “detailing” properties, think of it as tending to a thousand little matters (details) that result in overall excellent property appearance.  The work habits and skills that we develop in carrying out detailing defines the result.  That’s the “Creating premier properties” part.

The interpersonal side of things gets even more complicated, however, and is certainly not “visible” in the same way as our landscape work, where it’s much easier to tell if anything’s been missed. That’s where focused client interviews and surveys come into the picture.  Understanding expectations, crystal clear communication and responsiveness involve a myriad of little matters that connect us with our clients.  That’s the “building lasting relationships” part.

Taken together, the “little matters” define our Austin Outdoor brand.  The opportunities for improving our clients’ experiences are endless and hold the key to making Austin Outdoor THE company of choice.  What little matters will you consistently deliver or handle differently to achieve excellence?

I invite you to share your comments, your ideas and your examples with me and with one another.  Enjoy the Journey!

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