Built Right

August 29, 2013


There are 4×4’s. Then there are Jeeps. Then there are custom JEEPS Built Right.

There are businesses. Then there are Companies. Then there are exclusive BRANDS Built

There are distinct parallels between these two things. To achieve exceptional status requires starting out with a compelling Vision, backed by resources and a commitment to accomplish difficult things extremely well. Both things require a sturdy frame, one able to survive the challenges ahead; in business, the frame comes in the form of unified leadership supported by a capital structure.

What is built upon the frame depends upon the purpose for which the thing is being built. Information systems link the frame to the structure above it and to the engine that powers it. In a custom JEEP, the power may come from a high-performance Hemi engine; a BRAND is powered by talented people.

The direction of the JEEP is lit by powerful halogen lights, but a BRAND is directed by an internal compass. A BRAND is always pointed toward True North.

For both, the suspension and performance feedback determine how well they will carry out their function and how long they will last. The better the design, the more perfected the structure and components, the more likely each is equipped to survive the difficult journey intact. All components must be complementary and of the best available materials in order to rise above all others.

Building a  BRAND is not easy, quick, inexpensive, or accomplished without trial and error. Built Right, however, like the JEEP it will climb the mountain and reach the summit. Enjoy the Journey!

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