Shoot Straight

June 27, 2013


If you want to hit the target, it pays to shoot straight!  It minimizes the ammunition you need to accomplish your objective and drastically reduces the risk of collateral damage.  While that is obvious advice for a marksman, it also applies to the world of business and customer service.

In business there are two broad target areas:  Internal and External.  The rules of engagement are similar for both, since how you aim internally will spill over into what happens externally.  To shoot straight requires:

  • Clearly identifying the specific target;
  • Carefully aiming your message;
  • Pulling the trigger when you are ready and there are no distractions;
  • Verifying that the message hit and registered with the intended target;
  • Only doing the above with a clear head and a worthwhile outcome in mind.

Sometimes internal messages are not sent at all, but should be.  Other times they are misguided or scattered.  Occasionally they are aimed with purpose of deception, in which case both the sender and the recipient are damaged.

External messages can be affected adversely by the same factors, but there is another approach sometimes taken.  That is to attempt either a ‘ricochet’ shot or ‘sawed off shotgun’ approach.  That typically leaves folks running for cover and you end up vulnerable in the process.

The best and only viable approach for building lasting relationships is to tell it like it is – to shoot straight.  That isn’t always the easiest thing to do, especially when all of the facts aren’t known in an evolving situation, but the clarity of focus and desired outcome will always be appreciated.  You’ll also be remembered for your accuracy and reliability.

Are you a straight shooter?

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