
June 13, 2013


Living life can be compared to traveling a long and winding river.  As it flows downstream, you have two choices:  stay in the current and navigate downstream, or haul out on the riverbank and settle down in one spot.  I suppose you could argue for a third option of paddling upstream; the progress is slow and not sustainable without over-exertion, so that really isn’t an option unless you are a salmon.

While you never quite know what lies ahead downstream, it is clear that the view from one spot doesn’t change.  Pausing briefly to rest and enjoy the view is worthwhile, but no one can survive very long without moving in some direction.

Rather than fighting the current, there’s a lot to be said for going with the flow.  Sometimes the water is smooth,  but at other times there are rapids to run.  You can’t just float along if you want to make progress; you must anticipate the conditions ahead and steer to avoid hazards.

As one new life begins, another comes to an end.  As one class graduates from school, another enters right behind to take its place.  As one person moves up in a business, another moves out or moves on.  All aspects of life are a Continuum.  It is the natural order of things.

Enjoy the journey!

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