All The Little Things

May 2, 2013


Luciano Mancilla, Jr. and his crew members, Israel Mendoza and Luis Garcia, demonstrate that they “get it” as evidenced by the quality of their work. I’ve directly observed the results of their diligent efforts in recent weeks, but recently had a chance to actually watch them work their landscape magic.

I greeted Luciano on a property and complimented his crew’s work. He smiled appreciatively and responded: “It’s all the little things.” Account manager Bruno Perez was with me at the time and added: “We talk about that all the time.” Their comments resonated deeply with me, since it affirms what we talk about “all the time” at Austin Outdoor. This crew walks the talk and it shows.

Luciano, Israel and Luis are fast and quite efficient in carrying out their work. While that is important, it’s only the beginning. They pay attention to “all the little things” that for many others would go unnoticed and, consequently, untended. Their actions define what “detailing” means. They don’t simply mow, trim and pick up debris; they perform detailing with pride.

There’s washing a car, or detailing one. There’s reciting the facts, or detailing a story. There’s sewing clothes, or detailing fine garments. There’s painting a picture, or detailing a scene. There’s pitching a sale, or detailing a perfect solution. There’s mowing the grass, or detailing a landscape. It’s a distinction with a huge difference.

Some months ago I touched on achieving excellence in “Little Matters“. The focus of that article was on how “little matters” define our brand and I even referenced the practice of “detailing properties as tending to a thousand little matters that result in overall excellent property appearance.” The art of detailing captures all the little things that add up to big results; the excellent work of Luciano and crew is a shining example of “creating premier properties” at Austin Outdoor.

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