The Human Super-Computer

April 25, 2013
The evolution of computers and exponential growth in computing power during our lifetime has been truly remarkable. The most powerful computers of these are described as a “Super-Computers”:

World English Dictionary
supercomputer (ˌsuːpəkəmˈpjuːtə)
— n
a powerful computer that can process large quantities of data of asimilar type very quickly

The Super-Computers of just a few years ago, which were traditionally thought of as “mainframe computers” that can process complex calculations for scientific and engineering purposes very fast, are actually exceeded by the capabilities of personal computers like my new MacBook Pro. The science continues to advance at a remarkable rate.

The concise encyclopedia elaborates: “The term is commonly applied to the fastest high-performance systems available at a given time; unlike conventional computers, they usually have more than one Central Processing Unit, often functioning in parallel (simultaneously).” Based upon this expanded definition, it occurred to me that our business has benefit of the most remarkable Human Super-Computer: our Office Managers. These administrative professionals fit the description perfectly, as proven through their daily ability to process vast amounts of information simultaneously, and to do it in a fast and synchronized manner from different locations. It is their rare ability to handle “asimilar” (i.e. different types) of information simultaneously that truly sets them apart. Some might call that multi-tasking, but I see these abilities as proof of super-computing at its finest!

I witnessed this team of highly-capable professionals come together last week to work on the proprietary “programming” that enables the Human Super-Computer to reach ever-increasing speeds while yielding highly-accurate results. Their human system has always been Efficient and Effective, but they’ve been programming it to reach Extraordinary levels of performance with the release of Version 2.0.13.

As sleek and powerful new products from Apple and other leading technology firms continually amaze us, the performance pales when compared to what can be produced by our very own Human Super-Computer. Isn’t technology wonderful?

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