Good To Great

June 8, 2012


Five years ago, one of our clients offered this comment about Austin Outdoor in response to our first formal survey: “Austin Outdoor is a good company that could be a great company.” Those words resonated with me and our leadership team and have focused our relentless pursuit of excellence ever since.

Interestingly, that comment echoes the title of an outstanding 2001 book that Jim Collins wrote, Good to Great. He describes six key principles in depth, including “First Who, Then What”; those who have known me for awhile have heard me repeat this principle frequently. Quite simply, “Who” we hire ultimately defines how we’re perceived by our clients. By focusing intently on this principle, at Austin Outdoor we have “the right people on the bus” and we’ve “figured out where to drive it.”

Knowing that we have talented people “Who” are capable of creating premier properties and building lasting relationships, this blog is dedicated to “What” we can and must do in order to enhance our culture and achieve the breakthrough that will move us steadily down the path from Good to Great. I invite you to join me in cultivating these ideas. Enjoy the journey!

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