A Decision to Grow

April 18, 2013


Recently I’ve shared my thoughts about building relationships, the kind where a long history of consistent, reliable performance results in a high degree of trust. I’m fortunate to have such a trusting relationship with a professional advisor and friend who can always be counted on for great advice, insight and enjoyable conversation. We have something of a tradition to meet for an early breakfast around “tax time” to catch up on events and this year was no exception.

Over eggs, sausage, hash browns, orange juice and coffee, we had a conversation that covered a range of topics this week. To say we solved the World’s problems might be an over-statement, but we gave it our best shot. We certainly took the pulse of local business in this post-recession economy that is still struggling to get its legs under it.

Conversation drifted to the emerging opportunities in business today and my friend, Bill, spoke about the state of his professional practice. He’s always stayed busy, because he’s highly capable, but he recently reached a decision point. In his words, “I could have just cruised along, but there was too much opportunity to ignore. I made a decision to grow.”

Bill is right. Growth is a decision. When your mindset shifts from sustaining the status quo to growth, a whole bunch of good things begin to happen. Energy flows, options are considered, plans are made, activities are undertaken and the business begins to take on a new shape. Pretty soon more people are needed and new ways of doing things are explored. One good thing leads to another.

Growth for the sake of growth doesn’t create value, but growth is absolutely an indicator of a healthy business. If you’re not moving forward, momentum stops; then it doesn’t take long to begin sliding backward. A decision to grow is a crucial step in achieving long-term success.

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