Freedom’s Greetings

December 19, 2018
Depending upon your faith or your personal beliefs, this time of year is filled with different variations of Season’s Greetings. The phrase itself has taken on a rather generic meaning. Not so for the 60,000 hardy souls who braved cold temperatures and driving rain to place more than a quarter million fresh wreaths on every grave in Arlington National Cemetery in the span of just a few hours on the morning of December 15th. They brought Freedom’s Greetings to those whose lives of service and sacrifice bought the very Freedom we enjoy as Americans.

These Freedom’s Greetings were inspired by Purpose, not Politics. They provide both a somber and celebratory reminder of the priceless gifts we have already been given. It is a wonderful thing to be reminded in such a poignant way. There are bigger things that bind us together than those that might tear us apart.

The symbolism of a wreath goes back to Greek and Roman times, who ascribed their own secular meanings to it. Other cultures and religions have adopted the wreath as a symbol through the centuries. In the current application, I think of these circular wreaths as symbolizing the unbroken circle of life and the continuous evolution of the seasons, with the evergreen boughs symbolizing growth and life even on the darkest winter day. The consistency and continuity of the wreath brings Freedom’s’ Greetings into focus. We are all joined with and dependent upon one another.

May Freedom’s Greetings make your Holidays Bright!

Tempus Maximize!

​More about “Wreaths Across America”:

“Each December on National Wreaths Across America Day, our mission to Remember, Honor and Teach is carried out by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery, as well as at more than 1,400 additional locations in all 50 U.S. states, at sea and abroad.

Why We Do It: We understand we have Veterans Day in the fall and Memorial Day in the spring, but our service members sacrifice their time and safety every single day of the year to preserve our freedoms. In many homes, there is an empty seat for one who is serving or one who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. There is no better time to express our appreciation than during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.”

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