Exceptional Professional
How would you define what it means to be an Exceptional Professional? I can show you what it “looks” like, but allow me to attempt describing what you see in the picture associated with this post. I’ve been privileged to work with many of the “best in the business” over the past 16 years in commercial landscaping; as with viewing fine art, I know what I like when I see it!
To be Exceptional belongs in a separate class, far above Average and a diamond cut above Excellent. To be Exceptional is to be Rare. Interestingly, that doesn’t mean being lonely at the top; rather it signifies associating with a like-minded group of people who share some crucial characteristics. Here are six of the shared qualities of Exceptional Professionals I know and respect:
- They Care More than Most. Quite simply, they care about each other and they care about the outcome. A Shared Consciousness, anchored in Shared Beliefs, puts them on a wavelength that only a few can tune into; those who do, understand the music.
- They are Down to Earth. There is no better place than the Middle West to understand what that means. They respect the earth, they know how to cultivate things and they aren’t above doing the worthy work that others are called upon to perform. That speaks to my farming roots.
- They Continually Get Better. Their daily goal is to be just a little better today than yesterday. And they know that if they wait to be the Best, they won’t get Better. Because, after all, “Best is the evil enemy of Better.”
- They are Lifelong Learners. They see life as a work in progress and take advantage of the daily opportunities that surround us.
- They Know what Done Right Looks Like. There’s done, but then there’s Done Right. It doesn’t always happen on the first try (though it sure feels good when it does!), but Exceptional Professionals don’t quit until they’re satisfied and they know their client will be too.
- They Don’t Care Who Gets the Credit. It’s the outcome that matters. When the team wins, they all win.
You may have other qualities that come to mind; if so, please join the conversation by adding a comment. After all, Exceptional Professionals know we are better together. We are Rooted in Relationships!
Tempus Maximize!
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John Spence
7 years agoThis is a fantastic list, I posted it to all of my social media, definitely great ideas here.
7 years agoYour feedback means a great deal, John. Thank you!