
May 28, 2018


The worth of something can be determined by the effort required to create it and the ultimate value it offers to others. In the right combination, the result is “worthy”. This fine Old English word is sometimes connected with other words to describe their fitness for a particular purpose: think trustworthy, newsworthy and seaworthy, as examples. Today I’ll offer a new word connection and my thoughts regarding what makes us “Lifeworthy”.

Having a clear purpose for who and what you want to be, coupled with actions that create value for others, is the essence of being Lifeworthy. On this Memorial Day, like the 150 years that came before it and those which will surely follow, we pause to appreciate those who have made the Ultimate Sacrifice for us. As fellow Americans, they chose to serve our Nation and the ideals of Freedom upon which it was built. Their unselfish choice to serve and their willingness to endure hardship and sacrifice is a truly Lifeworthy gift to the rest of us. “All gave some. Some gave all.”

What does one do with a Lifeworthy gift like that? Our personal and collective obligation is to pay it forward through our own purpose and actions. If you’re reading this post, you’re in a position to make a choice today that will Maximize the Moment in some meaningful way. It doesn’t need to be a grand thing, but it can be something; the daily accumulation of small, worthy actions over time creates exponential value.

To remember and honor sacrifice is worthy. To purposefully use the freedom and opportunity we’ve been given is what makes it Lifeworthy.

​Tempus Maximize!

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