Just Another Day…

March 2, 2018


When the sun comes up tomorrow, will it be just another day?  You get to choose.

Whether it’s a work day, a school day, a weekend day, a vacation day, or some other sort of day, you can approach it as routine or make it matter.  For purposes of cultivating thought on this topic, I’ll comment on work days for the moment.

I met someone new this week, a landscape professional who has been in the ‘green industry’ for quite a few years; we instantly had that in common.  Good fortune brought us together.  I asked him what he liked best about working in this business and he replied: “I like that every day is different and I enjoy every day.  Some days are good ones and others aren’t so good, but even the bad ones present an opportunity to solve problems and get better.”  I really like that outlook on life and work.

By approaching every day as a “once in a lifetime” opportunity (because it is), you open your mind to possibilities.  There are countless ways to make a difference, even in work some may regard as repetitive.  Every interaction with a coworker, a customer, a vendor, or a a prospect has something unique about it.  Odds are you’ll only notice, however, if you make the effort to connect in more than a purely transactional way.  Seeing opportunity is self-feeding and self-fulfilling.

When faced with a problem or a negative situation, I’ve heard the reaction “It is what it is.” all too often.  That fatalistic statement closes off the possibility that it could be any different, without even considering options.  My standard reply is “Perhaps, but it will be what we make it!”  You can approach your time at work as “just another day”, or see it as an opportunity to make each one better.  You get to choose.

Tempus Maximize

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