Where You Least Expect It

January 31, 2018


There’s a tendency to be so focused on just making it through the day, that you may fail to notice something remarkable along the way.  It may be in plain view, yet where you least expect it.  Do you see what I see?

This phenomenon is the symptom of an active life, one full of sensory overloads.  Finding a brief moment to pause and reflect may be all that’s needed to discover something interesting hiding in plain sight.

Your own discoveries may be found in the “wild kingdom”, but odds are that most hide in the middle of the stream of daily life.  I can think of a few examples:

  1. A child’s first steps, first words, or first ‘whatevers’. Each and all of them occur when you least expect it;
  2. True love may be no farther away than an engaging smile in a random moment;
  3. Artistic genius tends to break through when the mind is reflecting elsewhere, or even at rest;
  4. The meaning of life may be discovered in a cemetery;
  5. A new beginning may be constructed from the remnants of an old ending.

It’s rewarding to find time for absorbing the world around you; much more can be found by looking up and around than on the screen of a smart phone.  Today is the ideal time to see what you can find, where you least expect it.

Tempus Maximize!


  • John Spence

    7 years ago

    I just had lunch with a friend yesterday that showed me a new app on his phone called: WeCroak. Five times a day it sends you a message to contemplate on your own mortality. He uses it as a reminder to stop and realize how great it is to be alive and that he should make the most of every day. I just downloaded it to my phone.

  • Meghan Kane

    7 years ago

    One thing to help with this is to create boundaries. We say we need boundaries, but do we actually create them? Do you turn off your work phone to engage with your family? Can you say ‘no’ to invitations? Can you spend time with no agenda? I’ve learned to create boundaries. My one word for the year: margin. I’m excited to see how I can enact some margin in my life this year. It’s a great goal!

    • Hi, Meghan! Its’ wonderful to have you join the conversation. You are so right; it’s up to us to make those choices, to create those boundaries. Best wishes for success in creating the margin you desire!
      Tempus Maximize!

  • Jeanean Mitchell

    7 years ago

    Mindfulness is such a hot topic these days; being present in this time and space soaking up the beauty of what is in front of you. There are gifts with being aware in this moment. And why meditation is also important. Great reminder to be present.

    • Greetings,,Jeanean! You make a great point; the present is a beautiful “present”. In the next moment, everything may change and it would be a shame to have missed it.
      Tempus Maximize!

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