Beyond the Clouds

December 31, 2017


That’s where you’ll find Blue Skies! They are always there, sometimes hidden behind the heavy gray curtain, so we can’t always see them.

If we remain earth-bound and thought-bound, tethered to only what we’ve experienced, we may never see beyond the clouds. It is always possible, however, but only when you truly choose to focus intensely on what’s ahead.

Choosing to see beyond the clouds can be difficult; sometimes it feels impossible. Yet Blue Skies are always there, just beyond the gloom.

The realm beyond the clouds awaits us in 2018. What will we choose to see? What will we choose to do? How will we honor this one-of-a-kind life we’ve been given? I hope to be there, with you, to find out what life beholds. And, perhaps one day, I will also see beyond the clouds….

Tempus Maximize!

(My photo is of the original painting “Godspeed” by the very talented artist, Adelia Wilson.  To learn more about Adelia and her beautiful artwork, please visit )


  • Katie Simmons

    7 years ago


  • Adelia Wilson

    7 years ago

    This was so encouraging to read. Thank you for sharing your incredible insights and gems of wisdom in how to keep moving forward and stay POSITIVE. God bless you, Karen, and Brett as you move into the new year… You all are continuously in our hearts, thoughts, and prayers.

    • Your magical art and joy for life are ever-present and deeply appreciated. Wishing you all the best in 2018 and always, Addy!

  • Cheryl Wilson Art

    6 years ago

    stunning painting

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