Better Together

August 7, 2017


This year has brought fresh perspective on many important things.  New people in new places, doing important work with and for others, have reinforced the power of teamwork.  We are better together.

Ideas are sometimes born in quiet thought, but they gain life when they are shared with others.  Those with the greatest potential for positive change are considered “breakthroughs”; optimum ways of doing things become “best practices”.  To become either of these things requires lots of collaboration.

It’s fascinating to see what a group of talented people can accomplish in a workshop setting, when presented with an exercise that requires input from different perspectives.  Invariably, the outcome is work product that exceeds what any one person could have accomplished on their own.  Patterns emerge and shared insights empower an entire group to go out and use what has been learned.

The power of collaboration benefits every aspect of business.  Whether you’re working on Sales, Customer Service, Safety, System Design, or something else, the ideas with the greatest value and transformative power are shaped in group settings.  One of the keys to unleashing this power lies in “how” teams are formed and its members are engaged with one another.  I’ve seen more powerful results come out of work groups fashioned as a “task force” rather than a standing committee.

Whatever the mission, you can only travel so far and continue for so long alone.  If you aspire to be part of something bigger than yourself, join forces with others and become better together.

Tempus Maximize!

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