What’s Next?

June 5, 2017

PicturePhoto credit: Metro DC Photography

When today is done, will you pause to look back at what’s transpired?  As you reflect, will you be pleased, or will there be regret at opportunities lost?  Occasionally there may be shock and sadness as a result of events beyond your control.  Regardless of how today unfolded, it’s wise to consider “What’s Next?”

Life can serve up some tough times and dish out some truly brutal moments.  Occasionally they rock your world and shake you to your core.  The result of certain events is permanent.  If you’re fortunate enough to survive them, however, you’re faced with a pivotal choice.  One choice is to lament, find someone to blame or simply wallow in despair. The more difficult one, but also the only one that offers a path forward, is to focus on “What’s Next?”

When you’re just  “not feelin’ it”, asking that crucial question might seem absolutely impossible. Envisioning the answer may be more difficult still.  One thing is for certain: If you don’t ask, there is no answer to be found.  It won’t come from behind you; it can only be revealed by looking ahead.

To focus on “What’s Next?” is not to forget or diminish what came before; it is to be inspired by it.  The real world is a tough teacher and occasionally a cruel one.  It doesn’t favor the weak.  Only those with the tenacity to press forward can survive.  Winston Churchill put it this way: “If you’re going through Hell, keep going.”

The future awaits those who embrace it – and are fortunate enough to be alive to experience it.  What’s Next for you?

​Tempus Maximize!

“Air Force Memorial Sunrise”
Photo credit: Metro DC Photography


  • Tim Mccolgan

    8 years ago

    Thanks Bill. Quite appropriate for where some of us are. Use the past as a tool and always move forward. One of my favorite quotes “those that are not busy being born are busy dying”. Bob Dylan
    Hope your well.

    • Tim-
      It’s great to hear from you. Thanks for joining the conversation!
      All the best,

    • Jon Souers

      8 years ago

      Thank you, Bill. Wishing you and yours all the best!
      Puram, et Superiora Loca

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