Ready to Play?

October 28, 2016


​My brother and I like to torment one another with old family pictures, as only brothers can do. As the years pass, it seems there are more “old” ones with us in them!  He just sent me a snapshot of the one I’ve posted with this article; that happens to be yours truly awhile back.

I loved playing football as a kid and it’s still my favorite sport to watch today.  Around the time that picture was snapped, I was enthralled with Florida Gator Football and Steve Spurrier, who was their Heisman Trophy winning quarterback.  I was serious about football and getting ready to play.

Football was about focus, determination, hard work and sportsmanship. The point of all that effort was to achieve success, to help the team win. It turns out that the lessons of those early days came in handy down the road. Winning feels good; losing doesn’t.  And if you want to win consistently, you’ve got to get yourself ready to play.  Every down.  Every game.  Every day.

Looking back, there has always been a seriousness infused into whatever I’ve tackled.  Football gave way to basketball, which became my favorite sport to play, but those early football lessons stuck with me. Perhaps there should have been more pure play at the heart of it, but that wasn’t how I was wired or what drove me.  Down deep I had to know that I’d given it my best, but I also owed my best effort to my teammates every game, whether it was on the football field then, or much later in the game of business.  The fun of it all lies in the teamwork and sense of accomplishing goals bigger than yourself.

Get ready to play and…..Enjoy the Journey!


  • jim sivils

    8 years ago

    True that Bill its 4th quarter for the YL team and we are in the red zone. Lets punch it in!

  • Chris Rodriguez

    8 years ago

    Great article and picture, Bill! It’s a good thing you grew into those ears!!!

  • Ty Rentz

    8 years ago

    Nice Read Bill….My best effort every day is the primary goal and nothing less….affecting others around me in every aspect of what we do is what I bring to the table….I don’t see the point in losing other than, in the occasion that it does happen, I experience increased motivation and effort to overcome the factor in the equation which caused the loss. So, in the event of loss, I take it as a challenge for me to do ALL THINGS better, Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing….Success is in the heart!

  • You’re a winner, Ty! We all learn and grow through our experiences along the way….

  • Michael Paradise

    8 years ago

    I have been crazy busy Bill and I just got to read your message. What you said in this message reminded or I should say made me think of something that happened today. We needed some help in covering the county work because of the lack in employees we have right now and we reached out to our brother Brett Perez in Tampa to see if he could help us out and in less than a day notice he arranged 7 employees of his in Tampa to come over and help us out and sending 8 more on Monday to help out. That to me is the truest form of team work not as a branch but as a Yellowstone Company pulling together for the greater good for the company. As always Bill, hope all is well and have a good and safe Halloween.

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