
August 25, 2016


​I’m pretty sure that I’m not the only one feeling it, but life is moving too fast to stop and check!  Are things moving faster for you, and business along with it?  Are weeks, months and years whisking by?  Is that reality good, bad, or indifferent for you?

In my view, “Faster” is what you decide it will be, based upon how you’ll allow the speed of life to affect you. At the root of getting Faster is the Technology Boom – driven by the Information Age and vice versa. The device I’m using to write this article — my trusty “iPad Air” — didn’t even exist just a few short years ago.  Its magical capabilities, when connected to mysterious Wi-Fi, enable faster communication than ever before. Technology is an enabling force!  Having said that, e-mail isn’t necessarily the “next best thing”.

Another aspect of Faster is the ever-increasing flow of requests and demands on your time, plus the energy that business requires today in order to keep pace, and get ahead.  You’ve got to be nimble and learn how to respond swiftly, or you’ll be left behind.  Ideally, you’ll respond before the reacting to circumstances; if you wait, you’ll suddenly find yourself playing catch-up.

Put into perspective, some things we might agree should go even Faster:

  • Internet & Computers
  • Race cars
  • Travel
  • Decisions
  • Election Season
​Faster is the expectation of a “just in time” world. There are plenty of extremely valuable things that are best done Slower, however, and will be appreciated even more as a result:
  • Building personal relationships
  • Cooking Mouth-watering Bar-B-Cue
  • Raising Children
  • Creating Art
  • Determining Your Legacy
​I realize that I’ve only scratched the surface here. What do you think should be Faster? Or Slower?  If you can take a few moments and slow down just long enough, please share your thoughts. .

Whatever you decide to do, always…….Enjoy the Journey!


  • Sarah Cash

    9 years ago

    I’m typing as fast as I can to say that we all need to strive for balance in life….key word strive:) Now, moving on to the next opportunity!

  • Michael Paradise

    9 years ago

    Hello Bill,
    I am kind of stuck on stupid. I have been sitting here at my desk thinking what could be faster or slower. Never really thought about it. The only two things that came to mind was when my family goes to Pacifica California every year for Thanksgiving and spending time with my 2 year old little Michael could sure slow down. The only thing that came to my mind that I sometimes wish could speed up is when your at a event concert, football games or at Daytona speedway when your standing in line to go pee and the line is creeping like sap from a pine tree in the winter. Hope all is well and looking forward to what tomorrow brings. Take care buddy.

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