Inconvenient Truth

July 25, 2016


​It’s not always easy to say what needs to be said. But it’s always the best approach in the long run.

Life isn’t black or white, true or false.  But some situations and scenarios are that crystal clear. If you’re in a position of responsibility, or an interdependent relationship, you owe those you work and live with the truth. That’s so, even when that truth is inconvenient.  It usually is inconvenient.

There’s never a “good time” to say it, so most people won’t.  The excuse may be because saying it will hurt feelings, or lose the business, but often that’s not the underlying reason. Telling the inconvenient truth can make you uncomfortable, as well as the one with whom you’re sharing it.  It’s easier to talk around it, or never bring it up at all.

In the realm of national politics, in this surreal 2016 election season, truth seems to be in short supply.  Coincidentally and quite opposite, I just read some personal reflections of President #41, George Herbert Walker Bush, written more than a quarter century ago:

“Tell the truth. Don’t blame people. Be strong. Do your Best. Try hard. Forgive. Stay the course.”

His life has been a testament to those principles. It all begins with telling the truth, however inconvenient.  Everything else depends upon that. Those you are with will value you and you will feel better about yourself.

Enjoy the Journey!

One Comment

  • Mike Paradise

    9 years ago

    I second that Bill. I am often in situations where I know people that want the truth but can’t accept it or want to believe something else. In friendship or business I am going to give it to you straight whether you like what I am saying or not even if that means me getting in hot water and 50% of the time it usually does just that. The truth is the truth. Hope all is well with you Bill. Also I still have not made your Dads secret recipe for mouth watering Griddlecakes but I promise I will one of these weekends with my family.

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