The Power of Humility

November 11, 2022

I had the pleasure to engage in a high-energy workshop with a team of exceptional sales professionals this week. This was one of those “you had to be there to believe it” experiences where the level of interaction and sharing of best thinking reached a higher plane than any participant might have imagined beforehand.

You may already be wondering how the event I’ve just described fits with the title of this post:

Can a group of high-impact sales people be humble?

That’s not possible, is it?

In fact, it was exactly this superior level of talent, assembled in a collaborative environment, that harnessed the power of humility. It takes time and multiple interactions to ultimately reach this level of trust and it is absolutely magical to arrive there.

These team members are already very, very good at what they do to create great outcomes for their clients and their companies; yet they continually aspire to get better. And they realize that the keys to advancing are dependent upon purposefully engaging with and sharing their collective knowledge and experiences. They parked their egos at the door and then they brought their curiosity and positive energy inside with them.

None of us are as good as we can be and all of us are better together..

Those realizations temper strong personalities and enable shared ideas to circulate and flourish. As one senior executive who joined the group observed at the end of our day together: “Humility is always attractive.”

The sheer power of humility creates an environment that draws out the best in each of us, for the benefit of all of us.

Tempus Maximize!

One Comment

  • Josh Thornton

    2 years ago

    That was a great quick read and a fantastic takeaway from one of the best workshops I’ve had the pleasure of participating in. I appreciate your unique ability to take a massive amount of information and consolidate it into these easily graspable nuggets!

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