Voice of Experience

Veterans have stories worth hearing; that’s how they became veterans in the first place. This concept is well-known in the military world, where the stakes are often life or death, but it applies equally in the world of business. The Voice of Experience offers practical insights for success.
When a person has performed a particular job for a long period of time, certain actions become habits. And certain habits provide a formula for accomplishment and success. (Just as others can have the opposite effect.) For a person to become a Trusted Veteran, however, suggests they’ve formed good habits worth observing.
For many business veterans, there is a willingness to share what’s worked along the way with those who care to learn from them. They will typically offer insights if asked by those new to the role. The likelihood of this exchange of knowledge is heavily dependent upon the culture of the organization. Is it collaborative? Or is it insular and closed?
Associate with people who are likely to improve you. Welcome those who you are capable of improving. The process is a mutual one.
~ Seneca
When trusted veterans with proven experience come together with rookies and open minds, magic happens. This group dynamic causes the veterans to think about why they approach situations in certain ways and how they’ve learned to achieve results, beyond the specifics of what they actually do. The inquisitive nature of newcomers inspires deeper thought and encourages sharing of ideas.
While practical knowledge transfer via the Voice of Experience is the goal, veterans also become re-energized through the process. They gain a little extra pep in their step and avoid complacency. It’s a virtuous circle of sharing and co-discovery, one which also introduces new ideas from newcomers. Everyone learns useful new lessons.
In the right group settings, the Voice of Experience can become a chorus. It lifts the spirits of all participants. Yet a thoughtful pairing of a singular trusted veteran, having a desire to mentor, with an eager and aspiring rookie can spark remarkable professional growth. It’s the culture that provides fertile ground for professional growth to flourish.
We are social creatures by nature. Our lives are enhanced when we share with and learn from one another. The Voice of Experience is our best teacher.
Tempus Maximize!