Texas Talent

November 9, 2015
It’s been fun to witness the transformation.  The possibilities were there all along, lying just beneath the surface, waiting for their chance.  When the path was laid out, the constraints removed, and necessary information and resources were provided, it was time for Texas Talent to shine. And shine it has!

Our Texas Region is setting the pace in sales, operations and financial performance.  There’s a certain air about the place and you quickly discover that attitude has lots to do with that fabled Texas persona; yes, it’s real.

When I checked into my Houston hotel room earlier this week, there was a branded gift bag with an assortment of cool stuff in it. The thing that most caught my eye was a little book titled 100 Great Things About Texas by Glenn Dromgoole.  It’s a self-described “celebration of 100 subtle and not-so-subtle, serious and not-so-serious things that make Texas the special place that it is”.   Here are my Top 10 favorite excerpts, word for word:

  1. The Republic for Which It Stands.  Texas was once an independent nation, and most of the time we act like it still is.
  2. And Pick-Up Truck Commercials.  Texas leads the nation in pick-up truck sales. (My note:  They even have their own Silverado “Texas Edition”!)
  3. First Thanksgiving.  Texas lays claim to having the first Thanksgiving feast – in 1598 near what is now El Paso – twenty three years before the one in Massachusetts.  (My note: I wonder if they ate Aunt Pookie’s barbecue?)
  4. Without Much Effort.  If Texas is not the biggest or best in something, we can sure make it sound like it is.
  5. Leading the Nation.Texas has more horses than any other state.  We also produce more oil, sheep, rice and cotton.
  6. The Official Texas Small (and Slow) Mammal.Armadillos are living proof that Texans have a sense of humor. And that God does, too.
  7. Left Lane Closed.  We have more miles of road than any other state.  And the most miles under construction at any given time.  (My note:  I can attest to that; I don’t believe Texans have ever met a road they didn’t like.)
  8. Howdy.  We say “Howdy, y’all”.  And mean it.
  9. Cheers.  Texans gave the world Dr. Pepper, the margarita, and Shiner Beer.  (My note: Thanks, Texas, especially for that last one.)
  10. Texas Mystique.  The Texas mystique can’t be defined, but it can’t be denied.  (My note: Neither can Texas Talent.)
I have a long-held belief that great companies can only be built with inspired people, working  toward shared goals in an environment of mutual respect and trust. The Texas Talent that I’ve come to know is living proof that’s true.

Until next time, ya’ll take care!



  • Bill,
    Since I spent a large amount of my time with this team, I can support and Totally agree with all of your thoughts in this post. Priceless………..Well done

  • Tamala (Tami) Dennis

    9 years ago

    Mr. Dellecker,
    I want to take this opportunity to tell you that your writings and words are such a delight to read because there is so much power in it. Even though – the angle is geared more so toward the working environment….I also take heed to the “read” in my personal life.
    I was way stoked that you, Tim Portland, Al LaLonde and Tony Ammirati; as well as our investors “and others,” were sincerely appreciative of your visit here in the great state of Texas! There’s a lot to say about the awesome “air” you all brought with you as well. It created a “kindred” spirit between us all. As I would say…it does take two hands to clap.
    Just so you’ll know, I am going to print these blogs out each month and put in our hallway’s billboard case. This post certainly enlightened me to do so.
    Warm regards…

  • Chris Ardoin

    9 years ago

    great article sir ………. There is no better place to be than Texas . We thump our collective chests and strut our stuff but I guarantee you , we can back it up . Thanks for the great article and realizing the talent present in your Texas group . And the traffic, unfortunately, reflects the nationwide desire to be on a winning team . Great to see you !

  • Jim Sivils

    9 years ago

    You are equally part of our success in Texas Mr. Bill.
    Many counted the Texas Team out in 2012 I knew all along there was fire in side our team and it needed to be unleashed. Thanks for taking a chance on us and helping us see the light. Everything is bigger in Texas including our friendships we have created along the way.
    Thanks Jim S

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