Like it Was…

June 29, 2020

It can never be Like it Was.  Unless you have a Time Machine.

We seek normalcy and a sense of place, a feeling of comfort and belonging.  And that feeling has been elusive in recent days and months.  Just when you think things might be settling down, there’s a spike or another cultural trauma rears up.  That’s the way it is in this moment; yet at some point, it too will become a part of history Like it Was and that will be a good thing.

Sadly, we cannot bring back those we’ve lost, for reasons of both tragic and normal circumstances, yet we can assure their lives have meaning.  We can use lessons they taught us to become better versions of ourselves and to improve the lives of those who follow us on this journey.  It is possible to channel experiences of life Like it Was and turn them into positive opportunities for meaningful life Like it Will Be.

It’s a choice, then.  We can remain mired in the moment, longing for the past.  Or we can Maximize the Moment, with eyes on a better future.   

Tempus Maximize!

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