Day’s End

August 21, 2015


What makes for a worthwhile day when it’s Day’s End?  How do you judge a success, or evaluate a failure?

It’s important to have a clear idea in mind of what a productive and successful day looks like, each time the sun makes its appearance in the east. They don’t always go that way, but it helps to have a plan on the front end.

From that point forward, a good day depends mostly upon what you do – how you react – when the inevitable changes come your way. Do you complain, or do you push through?  Do you believe that you’ll achieve your goals, no matter what?

How things look at Day’s End has everything to do with your mindset at the start. You have more influence on how that turns out than you might think!  Life is what happens to you when you’re making plans, but each day depends upon how you handle the detours.

Enjoy the journey!

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  • Carpe Diem!

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