Third Time’s the Charm

July 16, 2015


In cases where the first or second attempt doesn’t work, do you try again?  Sometimes the third time’s the charm.

Several recent experiences have revealed the importance of determination in achieving desired outcomes. It took a third prospective buyer to close a real estate transaction.  It also took a third effort to produce exactly the right enhancement solution for a customer.  A third contact with a credit card company finally resolved a sticky billing problem.  But three isn’t always enough!  Unfortunately, a third attempt to reach a caring human at Expedia in what should have been a simple matter has only turned up more frustration; I haven’t given up yet, but will clearly need to change my approach in dealing with that faceless organization.

To make a third attempt at something doesn’t suggest doing the same things the same way as the first failed attempts. That could be the case, but it’s wise to take a step back and determine the follow-up approach. A minor adjustment may be all that’s needed; it’s also possible that you’ll need to find another way altogether.  Albert Einstein is quoted as saying that “Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.” 

The important thing is to persevere. If you quit, you lose. Game over. To achieve success requires a willingness to push on, to find another way, after a first or second failed attempt. It can be tempting to throw in the towel early on, but often the very next try is the one that will produce the desired result. The World doesn’t give up her treasures easily!

We learn from our experiences and, many wise people think, we actually learn more from the things that don’t work out initially.  If you give up early, however, you’ll never know just how close you were to success. Rather than be frustrated, it’s worth adopting a belief that the third time’s the charm.  Enjoy the journey!

One Comment

  • Bryan Calhoun

    10 years ago

    Fantastic article! I’ve found that sometimes, the sixth or seventh time is the charm! Changing of board members or property management firms is always a door opening to another opportunity on a property. It’s always best when these board members or property managers know of AO from a previous venture. Never quit!!!

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