Fly Higher!

October 25, 2019

The view from ground level is limited by geography and to what’s right in front of you.  When you are airborne, the view expands and your horizon extends.  Fly higher to see even farther.

These principles govern a life and a business in similar ways.  It requires informed and focused energy to fly higher, but it’s worth the effort if you aspire to grow.  Gravity will hold you down and friction may slow your progress, but both can be overcome.  Wilbur and Orville Wright first demonstrated that fact in a most remarkable way; take a look at what’s happened in a little over a century of powered flight.

Knowledge and Experience are like fuel for a person, but must be ingested and then digested to power personal growth. By extension, when two or more people join together in a common cause, with a clear mission, individual capabilities begin to synergize and multiply.  When the right combinations of talent and energy are fused, growth happens and the organization will fly higher.

There are headwinds along the way, but there will be helpful tailwinds too.  We most certainly experience both and the flight path isn’t always smooth.  If you’re determined to fly higher, you go forward anyway.

Those who remain tethered to the ground and seek perceived stability may think their path is safe and secure, even if it is not especially pleasant or inspiring.  They would rather see and experience the same things day in and day out than risk what’s possible through personal and professional growth.  Rather than fly higher, they choose not to fly at all.

Life and business are a series of proactive choices, which can lead in markedly different directions.  If you want yours to fly higher, it’s time to power up your engines, get off the ground and soar!

Tempus Maximize!


  • Landon Pyle

    5 years ago

    Outstanding column Bill. I couldn’t agree more.

  • Adelia

    5 years ago

    As always, very inspiring words! Thank you for the motivation!

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