Moments in Time

July 29, 2019

It happens so fast, such that if you blink you just might miss it. Life is full of moments in time that are worth appreciating, but require focus to capture them. The lens of a camera is a remarkable tool for both focus and capture, but first one must notice the scene of interest.

Some moments are staged, such as group photos and the ubiquitous selfies that abound on Instagram. Yet it’s other moments that intrigue me, especially those that Mother Nature provides daily and free of charge. She beckons us to notice and, when we do, we are rewarded in a most magical way.

If all this sounds a bit reflective, I suppose it is. The speed of life and business these days has caused me to appreciate moments in time more than ever. These millisecond pauses provide context and meaning for the endless flow of activity, data and decisions.

Some fleeting moments are there to merely observe and appreciate, yet others require action to Maximize the Moment . While we cannot be sure how many of these will come our way, we can be certain that none will ever be repeated in the same form that they are first presented.

May your moments be many and memorable. May they also be enjoyed with others who pause along the way to appreciate them with you.

Tempus Maximize!

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