Good Day!

April 16, 2015


What’s your definition of a good day?  When you look back at the day, as the sun goes down, do you have a set of criteria that you can use to evaluate what made it good, or not?  You should know the answer without a great deal of reflection.

Each of us only have so many days and none of us know what number that is.  Any time there’s a scarce resource, using it wisely is great advice.  So it makes sense to take stock of what you’ve accomplished, what you’re working on now, and what you plan for the future.  Make your time count.

It’s fair to say that some days are better than others. The goal is to make the number of good ones outweigh the marginal ones by a wide margin. For that to be the case, you need to begin each day with an idea of what that good day looks like; you should end it by determining if you hit the mark.

A good day can be vastly different things to different people. Don’t worry about them, however, because you can’t control their ideas or their outcomes. Focus on yourself when it comes to what constitutes a productive use of time.  What do you care about?  What pursuits give you personal satisfaction?  What things do you do that enrich the lives of others?  What good things accomplished today will make tomorrow even better?

It’s one thing to get up and go to work. It’s entirely another when you start out with the purpose of making it a good day and then set about the activities that will make it so.  Having a good day is mostly a choice.  Make yours accordingly and have a Good Day!


  • Lisa Hall

    10 years ago

    Bill, great message. Any day started with a purpose and plan will surely end as a “Good or Great Day” Thank you.

  • Tamala Dennis

    10 years ago

    This was very enlightening. I decided that what I want to do today to make it a great day for me…is what can I do for you and others…just today…one day at a time….and approach each day with this attitude.
    Thus being said, I want to thank you for all the inspirations you bring about through your thoughts in your writings.
    Will you do me a favor? Have a fantastic day and just know, you’re awesome!
    I am smiling.
    Tamala 🙂

  • Laure Hristov

    10 years ago

    Starting off the day with thankfulness and a Plan and a Purpose always makes it a great day! Thank you for the reminder, we are what we think. I think I will have a great day and I hope you do too.

  • Jeff McDonald

    10 years ago

    I always say be a humane human being, whether it be work or
    personal time there is not enough of this any longer.

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