Soar Higher!

May 27, 2019

It took 36 years to complete and, when finally dedicated in 1884, the Washington Monument was the tallest structure in the World at 555 feet and 5.125 inches. At the dedication ceremony, Robert Winthrop said in his speech that “The storms of winter must blow and beat upon it … the lightnings of Heaven may scar and blacken it. An earthquake may shake its foundations … but the character which it commemorates and illustrates is secure.”

Little did the people attending the ceremony imagine that, some years later, an American Airlines jet would gracefully glide past its peak, as do countless other aircraft inbound to Reagan National on a daily basis. This marble spire was constructed in the shape of an Egyptian obelisk, with a visual nod to human history, but it focused on the appreciation, reverence and deep respect that this Nation holds for its most symbolic Founding Father, George Washington.

The Human Spirit soars; it always has. Each generation has aspired to elevate accomplishments over the one that preceded it, despite certain evil forces that would attempt to destroy them if allowed. The United States of America stands tall, aiming for the Sky, and serves as Freedom’s Beacon for people everywhere. Our Nation believes in this, most basic, principle and her Armed Services have fought with duty and honor to protect and defend this “unalienable right”.

When we view a monument, especially one so striking as the Washington Monument, and see a plane soaring above it, the sacrifice of thousands of military men, women and their families isn’t visible at that moment. But it is the very thing we should remember and celebrate. It is “WHY’ Memorial Day exists.

General and then President George Washington has become an abstract idea for many, with his face printed as the image on the ubiquitous dollar bill. Yet it was his resolute manner, determination and quiet confidence that led a Free Nation to be born out of an uncertain and repressive time, where personal freedom was secondary to the state and some people were not free at all.

Memorial Day provides us with an opportunity to validate the principles that built this Nation and to honor with gratitude those who have fought selflessly to create, preserve and protect the liberty we enjoy as Americans today. This is our time to Soar Higher, because we have been given the gift of Freedom.

Tempus Maximize!

One Comment

  • Bill thank you for this… I really enjoyed it and found it inspiring.

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