Take Your Turn!

February 5, 2015


If you spend much time around me these days, you’re bound to hear this phrase:  Take Your Turn!  The concept is one of personal accountability; it’s about you and what drives you.  I owe this latest inspiration to Seth Godin, a favorite author of Linchpin; his latest work is titled What To Do When It’s Your Turn; (And it’s always Your Turn.)  You won’t have to look very far to find this theme in the coming days and weeks; if my expectation is correct, this Idea will soon surround you.

Here are my Big Three Ideas about what it means to Take Your Turn:
  • Create.  This is about not waiting for change to happen; it’s about making the change.  Create because you should, not because you’re asked!
  • Collaborate.  Collaboration is about challenging, complementing and encouraging each other.  Be “the fifth hammer.”
  • Connect.  What you create doesn’t have lasting value until or unless you connect it with others.  Connect in a more human way than you’ve ever dared to do before, because People Change People.

This is not a process; that’s too narrow an interpretation.  These three elements are not a recipe, either, but instead a list of ingredients.  You can act at different points and in any order.  At least that’s my interpretation.  The wonderful thing about this Idea is that it means different things to different people, in different situations, and it will be relevant for each one.

We all have something to contribute; when we do, amazing and memorable things happen.  Take Your Turn – and Enjoy the Journey!

One Comment

  • Bill-
    Thanks for sharing and I look forward to seeing this theme spread through the business. Like you mention in the blog “create because you should, not because you’re asked”! If we all take this mindset we will reach our collective goals.

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