Wizard of Oz

January 15, 2015


Where does the magic of estimating originate?  How does contractual analysis actually happen?  Is there really a person behind all of these mysterious activities?  Yes, indeed there is.  He is the Wizard of Oz.

For a long time, the identity of the Wizard of Oz was a well-guarded secret. People in the kingdom knew about the magic that happened, but were not quite sure how it came to be and it was all a bit frightening. Eventually, however, the digital brick road created by the Wizard of Oz led to his whereabouts.  When some brave and enterprising souls followed the digital brick road and peered behind the curtain, they revealed the Wizard.  They discovered that the Wizard’s real name is Tony Ammirati!

Rather than being upset by their discovery of him, the Wizard welcomed visitors behind the curtain and willingly shared his magic with them.  This encounter lead to more like it; as word spread and others discovered that the Wizard was approachable, they also learned where to find him and actively reached out.

These interactions benefited the visitors greatly, but they also brought stories to Tony of the world outside along the digital brick road.  As a result, Tony became inspired to travel down the road and see what new things could be seen and learned.  His discoveries led to the creation of even more magic when he returned to work behind the curtain.

Fear of the unknown keeps many from exploring.  That same fear also stifles creativity. It is when people push beyond their fear that discoveries of new ideas and ways of doing things take shape and become reality.  Tony is one of those talented people who decided to explore the world beyond the curtain.  Everyone in the kingdom has benefited from the magic Tony has created; he is our own Wizard of Oz!

The digital brick road has led from points throughout the kingdom to a certain place in Florida for a number of years now.  Alas, nothing stays the same forever and the digital brick road is being remapped to a mysterious point somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. Those of us within the kingdom may not know exactly where the new digital brick road will lead, but they do know who can be found at its end. Fortunately for us, it’s still possible to follow the digital brick road and go off to see the wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!

We wish you well, Tony, as you embark on a new adventure.  Keep paving that digital brick road, one brick at a time, so we’ll always know where to find you.  Enjoy the journey!



  • I hear he is a whiz of a wiz, if ever a wiz there was!

  • Pioneer of the early AO days!

  • What a great way to describe a truly gifted person who brought such value to our mission.

  • Thank you for such kind words Bill!
    Life is one heck of a journey and working with Austin and Yellowstone has been a major part of mine, from the FL boom days to being dragged through the mud during the recession to our current growth stage…there are a lot of deep emotions here,having worked so closely with many of you and watching each other grow. I have learned, experienced, and grown more as an employee of YLG than anywhere else and am anxiously awaiting the day we expand to the West Coast. My family and my YLG family are the only true reasons I rested my feet for so long in FL (believe it or not, I only planned to stay three months…not 8.5 yrs!), but the option to bring my new small family unit closer to their roots, cooler climate where the Fidel beard can flourish and the gypsy in me made this move a reality. I look forward to visitors and thank you for all for being who you are, my YLG family!

  • I am new here at Austin Outdoor and am lucky to have worked with Tony. I am thankful for his willingness to help me at the office or via the phone…. Thanks

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