What’s Your Point?

February 25, 2019

That presentation you’re working on so intently; yes, that one! What’s your point? What I’m trying to determine is your desired outcome.

It is a great deal of work to put together an exceptional presentation. In fact, if the effort doesn’t go in, the output likely doesn’t come out. Before you invest all of that effort, however, it helps to ask yourself these four questions:

  1. ‘Why’, exactly, are you preparing it?  (For the record, “I thought I had to” is not an acceptable answer.) 
  2. ‘Who’, exactly, is it for? (We’re looking for names and groups here; the target could be beyond those who will first receive it…)
  3. ‘How’ are you going to communicate your points? (Is this to be delivered in person, audio, visual, written, or some combination of the above?) 
  4. ‘What’, exactly and precisely, are you going say? 

Once you’ve worked your way through these crucial questions, you’re far ahead of the pack of PowerPoint robots!  But you still need to focus your presentation in a way that few will ever do. It’s time to decide if your purpose of the presentation is to: ​

  • Inform? 
  • Educate? 
  • Inspire? 
  • Convince? Or….. 
  • Provide a Path Forward? ​

After all, what’s your point?  If it’s to Inform or Educate, send the memorandum instead and answer whatever questions you receive. Don’t sit around watching your Inbox for those, however, because they probably won’t come. 

If you want to Inspire or Convince, a presentation is your medium!  But if it’s dull and uninteresting, neither of those things will happen. 

Finally, if your presentation reveals information and ideas previously not considered and is aimed at producing positive action, it is worthwhile to pour your energy into a compelling view of the path forward.  That is what presentations are for! 

Vast amounts of information assault our senses daily. If you plan to add your presentation in the mix, what’s your point? 

Tempus Maximize! 

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