Two Options

December 11, 2014
If you want to know what your client cares most about, you have two options:


  1. Guess.
  2. Ask Them.

You might think you already know, because you’ve been working with them for some period of time and things seem to be going rather well.  After all, there is a service agreement in place and we both know what that says.  So you’re not really guessing: Right?  Wrong.

To qualify as truly “asking”, there are two essential steps:
  1. Do your homework on the basics and get up to speed on the products or services you’re providing. Know your stuff!
  2. Carefully consider what you want to find out more about from your client and how you will ask open-ended questions. Then go meet with them!
Invariably, when you do these things, clients are more than happy to talk and tell you exactly what’s most important to them.  Very often what you learn is both surprising and actionable.  One thing’s for certain: the insights you gain are Golden Nuggets for creating lasting value in your relationship.

Which of the two options do you utilize? 


  • Bryan Calhoun

    10 years ago

    Great article, Bill! I find it’s best to always call the meeting somewhere out of the office. Key is to get these clients out of their comfort zone (their office) and they tend to divulge more information than they would if they were in their office. As long as you “know your stuff” the meeting should go off without a hitch!!!!

  • Micheal paradise

    10 years ago

    Once again bill,your the man.the simplest things we can say or do is often overlooked,thanks for taking time to remind us of the simple things to do but will be big in the eyes of the customer.

  • Laure Hristov

    10 years ago

    I love having open and frank conversations with my customers. Asking questions shows how much you care and you become their trusted advisor. They feel more comfortable when they know you are approachable even with both positive and negative feedback because your ultimate goal is their satisfaction.

  • steven cohen

    8 years ago

    Answers Come Easier Once You Ask The Right Questions!

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