52,560 Hours

March 14, 2023

Six years have now passed, hour by hour, 52,560 hours to date. There are very few of them that have gone by without a thought of him, perhaps only those few of the deepest night and even in many of those he appears. Drew may be gone from this earthly existence, yet remains with us in our hearts and minds each and every day.

We all know that this life is temporal but seldom think of it as final. Time waits for no one, however. In certain inexplicable situations, fate accelerates its normal pace and claims a vibrant life much too soon. Such was the case with Drew, who managed to Maximize the Moment throughout the 26 years with which he blessed us.

Drew would have expected our family to carry on, likely without thinking such a moment would ever occur without him by our side. The only way for us to honor him is to comply, which we have dutifully done.

If your family is with you, hug them today. Hold them closely and love them every day, for they are a gift. Honor them, encourage them, fuss with them as occasionally needed (although not too much and only for the purpose to make them better) and always encourage them to live their very best life.

I’ve written a book with Drew’s purposeful life as inspiration and in honor of my family. The process of producing it helped me survive, and even thrive, through these 52,560 hours. If you would care to read it, Leadership Worthy – How Leaders Are Made is available online in the usual places. I believe there are many more hours and years still ahead for me, although that is something I cannot know, and I commit to living them with purpose and for the maximum benefit of others.

If you read and interpret this article as somehow sad, please don’t. I invite you to accept this awareness as a challenge to make the most of what you’ve been given, wherever you are and with whomever you find yourself. If I can assist your journey, I’m easy to find.

Tempus Maximize!


  • Joe Hoey

    2 years ago

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family today and everyday as you honor your son

  • Thank you for sharing this with us!

  • “I believe there are many more hours and years still ahead for me, although that is something I cannot know, and I commit to living them with purpose and for the maximum benefit of others.” Wow.

  • Amy McConnell

    2 years ago

    God bless you and your family for giving the ultimate sacrifice for our country
    Navy Mom ⚓️⚓️

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