26 Strong

May 26, 2015


Last week I had the distinct pleasure of watching the U.S. Air Force’s twenty six newly-minted pilots receive their wings, upon completion of a grueling pilot training program that has spanned more than a year “at the edge of America” (Laughlin AFB, Texas).  This was the capstone training for a journey for each of them preceded by preparatory education and training over an average of a half dozen years. They are 26 Strong.

The inspirational graduation festivities spanned two days and conjured up strong feelings of pride and patriotism. The formal graduation ceremony was highlighted by the remarks of a retired Brigadier General who traveled this same path several decades earlier and whose son was graduating along with mine.  He described this distinguished group of young leaders as Humble, Approachable and Credible.

You might not think of young pilots as “Humble” by nature, but that is exactly how they came across as a graduating class.  None of them were focused on being the center of attention; instead, as a group they are 26 Strong, confident officers.

To say they are “Approachable” would be an understatement; this group is full of energy and enthusiasm. They clearly feed off one another and welcome lively interaction with family and friends. Their bonds are 26 Strong.

“Credible” is the key word that emanates from this group of 26 Strong, trained professionals who are ready to serve.  The aircraft they will pilot span bases across the Air Force; you can sense the confidence that they will carry with them into their new missions as they join the active pilots who have come before them. 

This personal glimpse into the attributes of these young officers and pilots translates well to leadership in virtually any values-based, goal-oriented organization.  To be Humble, Approachable and Credible is to foster a culture of continuous improvement and achievement.  As the saying goes: None of us is as smart as all of us.  We can learn so much more from each other when we are humble and approachable, and we become more credible in the process.


  • Rick Nelson

    10 years ago

    I bet your proud , great young man . He looks very happy. Congrats

  • Jim Sivils

    10 years ago

    Another mile stone in your life successfully completed with team work and dedication. Congrats I’ll bet your still grinning ear to ear.

  • So AWESOME. Congrats!

  • Jason Johnson

    10 years ago


  • Congratulations. Be proud.

  • David S.

    10 years ago

    What an accomplishment. Congrats!!

  • Congratulations and thanks to your son for his service!

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